
Cranleigh & District

Current Affairs

Status:Active, open to new members
When: on Friday afternoons
Monthly (3rd Friday)
Venue: Catholic Church Meeting Room
Cost: No additional charges

Current Affairs

Our group meets every month to discuss and debate a wide range of political and social events happening in our world.  Our aim is to gain a better understanding of these events through discussion and debate.  Group members who have perhaps a deeper knowledge of an individual event can lead the discussion.  We look to discuss up to 10 events (be they local, national, or international) at every meeting – keeping the individual discussions to 10 minutes provides balance while allowing the time to gain better understanding.  Where we disagree, we do so agreeably.

Day and Time: 3rd Friday 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm


2024: Sep 20, Oct 18, Nov 15, Dec 13 (2nd Fri)*

2025: Jan 17, Feb 21, Mar 21, Apr 25 (4th Fri)*, May 16

Please note that dates * will be held at Waverley Suite, Rowley Centre